I have avoided discussing politics here since November, but some things need to be said.
- A President who has the full support of Congress and the courts is not acting illegally.
- A minority will not achieve majority support by talking to itself, using only its own language.
- An AI political era demands an AI cloud to understand how people feel, and to have a chance to change their minds.
Dr. King did not emerge from a liberal polity. The Civil Rights struggle was won by its victims, not by its supporters on the outside. It is when those people rise that change happens, not before.
If you believe policies are bad for people, that fact will become manifest as the policies take hold. If you believe policies are bad for supporters of a policy, you must believe the victims will realize it, assuming you believe in democracy. It’s at that point you can change minds, but only through leaders among the victims.
All this should be obvious, yet liberals continue to think they represent a majority view, that their obsessions have majority support. We’re not. They don’t. Our crying and warnings have become obnoxious.
When Republicans in Republican states decide they want change, Democrats must work with them. But the results won’t all be to Democrats’ liking.
Democrats are the minority party. We can only become a majority through confidence that we’re right, by listening for our chance, and by having the tools at hand to make the most of opportunities.
Now I’m going back to doing what I can do, covering technology, and learning how it will evolve, by spending time among its leaders.