In going through the effects of my ancestors, who lived through those times, what I'm most struck by is their...
Read moreDetailsWe have to find a cure for Democrat-itus. And we have to spread that cure, which is the lesson of...
Read moreDetailsThe new Silent Majority sees Iraq as a distraction. We see any War for oil as a distraction. We see...
Read moreDetailsLying about who you are is a bad habit. It leads to more lying. And lying is a slippery slope...
Read moreDetailsIf you're in the open source software business you must be aware of the political impact of what you say...
Read moreDetailsWe get the government we deserve. We deserved George W. Bush just as we deserved Lyndon Johnson and Herbert Hoover...
Read moreDetailsOpen source politics, in the end, is about putting the values of the Internet into action. You start with issues...
Read moreDetailsHistory says the real battle is yet to come, and it hints loudly of the outcome. But real history is...
Read moreDetailsCompetition is coming, in other words. It can't be stopped. Moore's Law guarantees it. And with it, so will die...
Read moreDetailsThe Clue is that what is true for the software business is also true for the journalism business, and for...
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