Revenge of the Norms
The rule of law, enforced without fear or favor. The regular order, letting everyone be heard. A democracy demanding the...
Dana Blankenhorn began his career as a financial journalist in 1978, began covering technology in 1982, and the Internet in 1985. He started one of the first Internet daily newsletters, the Interactive Age Daily, in 1994. He recently retired from InvestorPlace and lives in Atlanta, GA, preparing for his next great adventure.
He's a graduate of Rice University (1977) and Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism (MSJ 1978). He's a native of Massapequa, NY.
The rule of law, enforced without fear or favor. The regular order, letting everyone be heard. A democracy demanding the...
If you have to bring people together, for team-building or making decisions, you have an obligation to make it fun,...
If everyone registers, if everyone votes, if all the votes are counted and reported fairly, most people will be satisfied...
The fall of oil will be as sudden, as catastrophic, indeed as violent as its rise has been. Autocrats don’t...
Any city with first-class research can build a biotech center, and every biotech center is going to go through explosive...
We’re still fighting 20th century wars, still looking for 20th century energy, still fighting the 20th century’s political battles. History...
The problem is where all this extra value is going. It’s still mostly going into a very few hands. Money...
Madison Avenue is turning away from “social media,” and users are starting to follow.
Once Amazon builds infrastructure it always rents it out. That’s already happening with Amazon Care. I think it will happen...
Some people are honest in bull markets, others aren’t. The bear market sorts this out for us. I’ve been wrong...
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