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The Death of Google

The biggest tech story of 2024 is the death of Google. For a generation, when people wanted to find something, they’d say they were going to “google” it. This era is ending. Things like the Arc browser and sites like Perplexity are coming for Google’s search business. Consumers are using Reddit for search topics of […]

TechBro GroupThink

Evidence is growing that the boom in Large Language Models (LLM) is about to bust. A new study from Upwork, meant to boost Artificial Intelligence in the workplace, finds 47% of workers have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains with AI their bosses expect. As developer Baldur Bjanason notes, 77% say it has […]

The Great Reset

John F. Kennedy was killed over 60 years ago. November 22, 1963 was the key event in Joe Biden’s political life. He turned 21 two days before. This is true for much of his generation. Kennedy’s claimed U-Turn on Vietnam helped inspire Vietnam War protestors. The killing of Martin and Bobby solidified the myth of […]


My long-time friend Tommy Bass, now in nursing care, did a full tour of duty as a Marine. In Vietnam. Early in the fighting. He was shot on three separate occasions, each wound graver than the one before. (He told me once this photo was shot about a mile away from him.) When he came […]

I Was Wrong About Tech’s Wealthy

I am still rewriting the Moore’s Law book I first published 20 years ago. It’s a complete overhaul of what I published in 2021. It even has a new title, Huang’s Law. The section that has given me the most trouble involves the people benefiting the most from technology. I really believed, until recently, that […]


One of my few vivid memories of the presidency came 50 years ago this month. I was interning for a right-wing newspaper, believe it or not. I was sitting on a carpeted floor, part of the audience for William F. Buckley’s Firing Line. Despite being just 19 I was wearing a suit because I was […]

Getting Through It

These are tough days for democrats. And Democrats. There’s no shame in admitting it. This week I watched a lot more sports on TV. I immersed myself in colonial era fiction and non-fiction. I took long e-bike rides. It’s not easy, since I’m a journalist. I was assigned a story on Trump Media today and […]

You Think You Know Everything

‘You think you know everything!” My late mother used to say that to me, back when I was a 12-year old smart aleck. I didn’t know everything. No one does. But I could mask it, even then, with confidence. Intuition, what the English call a “brain wave,” can substitute for knowledge. You don’t get serious […]

The Terrible Beauty of Democracy

I planned on writing nothing about the Biden “drop or stay” nonsense. But there’s a vital point being ignored by all sides here. You’re all on the same side. Whether Biden stays or goes, all those involved in the current debate are going to be Democrats on November 5. Guaranteed. I acknowledge the fear. Those […]

Two EV Revolutions, At Odds

As I wrote last month there are now two Electric Vehicle (EV) revolutions happening, simultaneously, around the U.S. They are fundamentally at odds. On one side we have electric cars. These are just like cars running on fossil fuels. EVs can be just as big, even bigger. They can do equal environmental damage because their […]

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