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A Speech Not Given

My Fellow Americans. On September 11, 2001, a date which will live infamy, 19 terrorists attacked this nation with hijacked airplanes, destroying New York’s World Trade Center, damaging the Pentagon, and nearly destroying the U.S. Capitol, save for the bravery of some heroic passengers. Our response was to attack Afghanistan, where we were told the […]

Paying for the Clouds

Cloud computing is the great technological miracle of the 21st century. All the advances of the Internet in the last quarter century stem from clouds. AI is impossible without clouds. So is Google. Clouds are funded through cash flow. By the turn of this century, Google knew it needed vast computing capacity to run its […]

It’s All Quite Precedented

If there’s one lie that most angers me about Trump III, it’s this nonsense from the media that what Trump is doing is “unprecedented.” The fact is American history is filled with monsters. There’s that whole Civil War kerfuffle, for instance…there’s the Iraq War, the Vietnam War, and Joe McCarthy. Do I have to mention […]

Google Should Buy AT&T

I was working on a piece about AT&T’s latest horror today.  It’s sort of my bete noir. My blog was originally titled after AT&T’s continuing theft of government subsidies. I have followed it since before the 1984 break-up and remain constantly amazed at the stupidity and arrogance of its management. They’re lost in a bubble […]

Open Source Will Win GenAI

AI Infrastructure is the first upgrade to basic technology since the iPhone. Right now, it’s highly proprietary. History says it won’t stay that way. Clouds were built with open source because low costs were the priority. But there’s more to open source than free code. Open source puts eyes on the code, and this lets […]

A Target Rich Environment

Abortion. Education. Civil rights. Health care.  Guns. Social Security. Climate. Democracy. On issues that matter in peoples’ lives, Republicans have staked out minority positions. It’s a target rich environment. To that add Democrats’ financial advantage. Consider the candidates. Look at the economy, with the AI boom ripping along, unemployment under 4%, and inflation nearing 3%. […]

The Cost of AI

Thirty years ago, I didn’t have to upgrade my computer for the Internet. Browsers worked on most machines of the time. I already had an Internet account, and it was years before a broadband upgrade was available. The Internet, in other words, was free. AI won’t be free. Delivering AI will require upgrades across the […]

The Math of Urban Density

We know that cars don’t scale. They won’t allow construction of dense cities. The average car is about 6 feet wide by 15 feet long. You need space on either side for the doors, and you don’t want to get too close in traffic. They take up too much room to scale development beyond the 1-2 […]

A Flaw in Democracy

When a parliamentary coalition becomes unpopular, it resists the popular will. This is doubly true when the majority is narrow. It’s triply true when the issues become existential, life and death. We’re seeing this play out in the U.S. and Israel right now. In the U.S., Republicans have had a very narrow majority since early […]

Housing Liquidity

Back when I was a kid, stocks were a pretty illiquid investment. I had to visit a broker. We had to hand over cash, or a check. We were mailed a stock certificate. Stocks were mostly a game for professionals. If you held stocks it was through a mutual fund, run by professionals, the money […]

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