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Moore Outruns Markets

Back in the 1990s I wrote about how PCs were like fruit on a wharf, their value declining every hour they spent waiting for a buyer. This was the heyday of Dell Computer, which solved the problem by building computers to order. The machines were customized, assembled as parts, and never saw a store shelf, […]

Shift to the Client

One hallmark of the chip sales market over the last years has been an emphasis on the Cloud. Throughout my 40 year career covering this industry, sales have regularly tipped, from client to server and back again. The 1980s were a client decade, the 1990s a server decade. During this century, the Cloud changed much […]

The Ineluctable Logic of War

The Internet reflects the world. The world is getting its war on. Netizens whom I’ve always taken to be serious analysts of important events have been taken in by the ineluctable logic of war. Timnit Gebru, who last year was warning about the risks of large language models at Google, is now a pro-Palestinian activist, […]

A New Beginning

A month ago, right after the first Nobel Prize awards my personal Web site went dark. This was deliberate. After 17 years on Movable Type, I have switched it to WordPress. WordPress is the world’s most popular Web design system, and one of this century’s least-told great stories. Developed as open source for bloggers 20 […]

What Electric Cars Should Be

  Simple. By its nature, an electric vehicle (EV) is a simple machine. It’s a battery on wheels. The motor driving the wheels is a generator running in reverse. There’s no need for a transmission since the motor can spin to the top speed of the car. Battery, motor, drive train, wheels, and a steering […]

Tesla Agonistes

Elon Musk sold a dream. It made him the richest man in the world. But the dream has become a nightmare, and the dreamer a monster. In response to this failure, many in the media are selling a big lie.  Hertz is the latest to sound the alarm about Tesla. The rental car company committed […]

How Long Will I Remain Wrong?

Almost 15 years ago, I published a piece here called The Obama Thesis of Consensus. I believed the 2008 election represented a generational transformation. The 1968 election of Richard Nixon had turned America from a nation based on manufacturing to one based on resources, from a politics of print to one of TV, and from […]

VCs Go Bananas

Four years ago, when I first wrote about tech trends for the 2020s, it was clear that more than the logos of tech leaders would have to change. You can’t have a Machine Internet, covering cities, supply chains, or medical systems, without cooperation from government, including on issues of antitrust. In addition, you can’t treat DNA […]

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