This Week’s Clue: Real Ethics
Ethics comes into play only when you have a choice. It's whether you tell yourself the truth about yourself – and many people don't.
Ethics comes into play only when you have a choice. It's whether you tell yourself the truth about yourself – and many people don't.
The guess here is that it will take some time before the Southern Exurbans allow themselves to be led by the Big State Moderates. This is normal when a party's Thesis is destroyed and it goes into the wilderness.
All the tricks being deployed by the present Administration are a full generation old. They never had anything new to offer. Rumsfeld and Cheney are little Nixon-ites. Reality is what you claim it is. They really believe that. You may have your math but I have THE math. Faith-based governing rather than reality-based governing.
Imagine we had a bunch of kids and teachers and hobbyists who wanted to take today's chips and make something with them, something that had never existed before. Imagine these folks were getting together in the Valley and meeting every month, as was done back in the day. Could they come up with anything? Are the pieces there to support a 21st century Heathkit, a 21st century Byte Magazine, a 21st century start-up called Apple?
What I hope we're finding is a growing pent-up demand from WiFi users, demand that can be exploited. If makers of WiFi gear put flyers in their boxes, or sent e-mail to their registered users, demanding more spectrum in order to deliver faster service, that might have some impact.
Despite press claims that the blogosphere is just about crazy, misleading back-and-forth, the blogosphere (like the Internet itself) is not any one thing. It's a medium through which anything can be sent, and seen, no matter how few believe.
The last game piece offered was backwards, and a poser. Who was Joe Lieberman then?
The tool to meet these challenges is in your hands, it's right in front of your eyes. This medium. Yet the idea of applying the lessons learned in building this medium to any other sphere is untested, untried, and (we assume) elitist.
Exclude punitive liability from coverage, and punitive damage awards are guaranteed to go down. Juries will not be able to do more than break defendants. Appellate courts will then have a real basis on which to decide how much punishment is enough.
A generational crisis always results in a battle within the newly victorious party. This is usually a war between insurgents and establishment figures, or between the New Thesis and the Old Anti-Thesis.
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