The 1966 Game: Who’s Lieberman Then?
Our question becomes, can you find an election from that year in which someone from the descending order created such havoc among the people then rising to power?
Our question becomes, can you find an election from that year in which someone from the descending order created such havoc among the people then rising to power?
Wierd Al has a new album out. Its name is Straight Outta Lynwood. Despite his 25 year career of fame and (some) fortune, it's the first time he's had a Top 10 hit. It has a hit single, "White and Nerdy," which is an even-bigger hit than his 1984 classic Michael Jackson parody, "Eat it."
We’ve been hit bad by comment spam the last few weeks. Each time we get a good discussion thread going, it seems the comment spam bots flood in. I usually try to erase these when I find them, but we were losing a lot of good discussion. So I’ve taken action. I’ve implemented CAPTCHA on […]
My son, like your son, and my daughter, like your daughter, will define their own time in their own way. Just because I assume they will embrace the Internet, as they are embracing the Internet, doesn't mean that their values will be Internet values.
The crisis this comes closest to is the 1890s crisis. It was centered on the election of 1896, in which the populist William Jennings Bryan lost to regular Republican William McKinley. That crisis was defined, however, by the rise of Theodore Roosevelt, who fought in the imperialist Spanish-American War, was elected Governor New York later in 1898, was nominated as Vice President “to get rid of him,” and succeeded to the Presidency when McKinley was assassinated in 1901.
America is not a fearful nation. Here is how Democrats will win the war on terror.
Media companies will always use online as a defensive shield. They don't understand, and by their nature will never understand, that the nature of the Internet (as a medium) is interaction, interactivity, the audience creating the show itself. Unless media companies can steal that creativity for themselves (and folks don't give it away for long) they're never going to "get it."
t was said during the Lewinsky mess that tragedy often repeats as satire, relating the Clinton impeachment to Watergate. I never dreamt then that it could be topped.
So, is Apple a "buy?" At $75/share (roughly) it's fully priced.
At the heart of patent reform must be the publication of patents. Patent applicants must disclose what they're patenting, and this should be public information. Existing patents also need wide publicity, so they can find their market.
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