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Bone, or Boon?

We're not talking here of point-to-point signals that only travel a few feet, but of point-to-multipoint signals which, by their nature, are directional. The good news is they come into the house. The bad news is that they take power to produce, and can thus only be produced by a limited number of people before the interference makes the whole thing worthless.

Why The South May Turn Rightward

Were it not for the continuing, overt racism of white southerners, these black southern megachurches would have told their flocks to switch sides long ago. Even despite that racism, preachers like Long have detached themselves from the Democratic Party, and wish to be considered independent, hopeful of being wooed rather than taken for granted.

The Origins of Internet Populism

Folks have long understood that you either have a competitive market or a regulated one, and with the threat of Whitacre Tiering, the Bells and cable head-ends seek the very same power over you that railroads held over the farmers so long ago. An unregulated monopoly that lets them crush who they want and squeeze the rest. Just as the railroads had.

Air America’s Bankruptcy

The fact is that radio networks, in the mode of Air America, have not really existed for some time. Nearly all leading "networks" today are in fact single shows, or music formats that are pushed for specific day-parts. Rush Limbaugh is a network, in other words. The music you hear as you wake up is a network.

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