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Conservatives for Rockefeller?

So in 2006 there will be two Democratic parties. There will be the “official” party leaning against the Bush-Reagan-Nixon thesis, those who will say their issue is the tactic of Iraq, and the “netroots” party that may refuse to actively support some of these people and will concentrate on more controversial positions, like saying “no” to torture.

Two Party System

But in every case, in each and every case, a new Political Thesis emerged from the crisis which lasted for a generation. And it came from the new force within the opposition party. It came from the Goldwater Conservatives (who had never held power before), from the neo-progressives of the 1930s (who had never held power), from the Populists and Progressives (who had never held power) from the Republicans (who had never existed).

Why is Politics So Quiet

If this is an honest election, it will be the biggest blow-out in political history. But this may not be an honest election. Bush seems intent on bringing the temple down on his head. And we're stuck in it with him. So what is there to talk about, to argue about? All we can do is hold our collective breath.

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