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HP vs. GE

H-P had another choice which it could have made, a choice it rejected when it hired Fiorina, who is the person most responsible for the mess the company is now in. It could have gone the GE way.

Over the Hill Gang

I will be out of pocket for the next day or so. Nothing serious. It’s a very simple medical procedure. But it’s proof positive that I am on the other side of life’s proverbial "hill." This is something I agree with Katie Couric on. If you’re 50 or over you need to git’ this ‘r  […]

Why the Generational Theory Works

The Nixon Theory of Conflict doesn't work against Iraq. It doesn't work against global warming. It has been pursued to its natural, surreal conclusion. It can go no further. Yet for the generation in Washington that has made its living off this myth, for its entire career -- both Democratic and Republican -- it's the only prism they have to see events. So they use it.

Watching the Temple Fall

If the Republicans do steal this election, it will be so obvious that all of them – all of them – will be destroyed. Not just pushed out of office. Their lives will be forfeit, their fortunes will be seized , their families will either be killed or die in exile like those of Third World despots. Because that's what they will have become. Americans don't put up with that shit.


If we're going to throw open closet doors on gays, let's throw them all open. Let's see into the hearts of the truly sick bastards of our society. Let's have an honest debate. And then let's make choices based on total knowledge.

Free Mark Cuban

The fact is that most of the raw material used in new creative products comes from old creative products. And the present U.S. copyright regime denies this reality. It places a veto not only on new creative work, but on technology as well.

This Week’s Clue: The Silent Majority

The new Silent Majority sees Iraq as a distraction. We see any War for oil as a distraction. We see the rich getting ever-richer, nothing trickling down. We see the Earth's fever threatening to destroy all human life. We fear, as Nixon's Silent Majority did, as the parents of the Greatest Generation did, that everything the Founders struggled and died for is about to be tossed away. We don't like it. But we are, mostly, afraid to speak out.

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