Not Everyone is Screwed
If you have a popular Republican Governor, you can hang on to him.
If you have a popular Republican Governor, you can hang on to him.
The Republican rule on Capitol Hill has gone from Foley to Foley, as Mark Twain's life went from the 1835 appearance of Halley's Comet to its 1910 return.
Given what has happened at H-P, the most amazing point is not that Dunn is suffering so much. It's that Fiorina got off so lightly. CEOs like to claim they earn the big money by taking the big risks. But if all you're risking is the time stamp on your golden parachute, that's a bogus argument.
I guarantee that workarounds will be found. They always are. Deposit money with a bank registered in a third country, and that bank will than handle your account with the casinos. The U.S. can't prevent the initial transfer, and after that everything is legal.
Epstein wants us to ignore the limited rights and limited times granted copyright and patents by Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. He wants to ignore the country's early industrial history, which depended heavily on theft of IP from England (and elsewhere).
Note, however, the process. The newspapers didn't run anything because they could not verify it. The TV network ran what it had on its Web site, and thus got the story.
This is the kind of thing that can keep you in your home, instead of putting you in nursing care when your time comes. Embed the sensors in something like an UnderArmour shirt (grandpa wants to style), run the data through an ordinary WiFi router, use cellular text messaging for the alerts. Now you're aging in place instead of in some strange place.
Gerrymandering builds levees around incumbents. In a wave election the levees break. Republicans may wake up on November 8 to find themselves in the political equivalent of the Ninth Ward.
I really didn’t intend to address this, but I can’t help myself. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it? The Republican Party rises to power in Congress promising reform, has its greatest moment (in its own eyes) looking askance at Bill Clinton getting a hummer from an intern, then goes down to defeat because it covered up […]
The more people you have in on a decision, the worse that decision will be. On the other hand, when you have many people making their own decisions, the greater the likelihood that one of those decisions will be outstanding.
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