Love in the Time of Schizophrenia
If you can keep your head while all about you others are losing theirs you just don't know the situation.
If you can keep your head while all about you others are losing theirs you just don't know the situation.
Dean is engaged in the practical politics of open source, not just the online version. He doesn't want the Internet to live just in the ether, but also in the real world. While everything about Republican strategy remains proprietary.
Is there anyone out there, any conservative, who really believes at this late date that we're winning in Iraq? Anyone? So change tactics, dammit. Don't just leave our best men and women out in the field, getting turned into hamburger, for your damned ego!
War crimes are like the murders of Lady Macbeth. They don 't wash out. Ever. There is no immunity for war crimes.
Lying about who you are is a bad habit. It leads to more lying. And lying is a slippery slope toward the greatest evils man can conjure, a sort of marijuana of evil.
The idea that mobile devices, or Internet devices, are merely conduits through which people will passively pay for content has been around for a decade, and despite continual failures, the message never seems to get through to the content companies.
If we become as ruthless as our enemies, if we become what they claim we are, then it will not matter who wins the so-called Global War on Terror. Terror will have won.
So in 2006 there will be two Democratic parties. There will be the “official” party leaning against the Bush-Reagan-Nixon thesis, those who will say their issue is the tactic of Iraq, and the “netroots” party that may refuse to actively support some of these people and will concentrate on more controversial positions, like saying “no” to torture.
If the historical patterns hold, if the election isn't stolen as blatantly as any Third World despot might steal one, the wheel is about to spin.
Google is a global operator delivering everyone's content, NBC's included, quickly, to whoever wants it. Think of it as an NYSE of knowledge. Does that make it a little more real?
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