The Rise of Spam Blogs
Dealing with these thieves, scam artists, and bullshitters is a growing problem. It's polluting RSS, it's polluting our ability to use the Web, it's costing Web advertisers money, and it's costing Google credibility.
Dealing with these thieves, scam artists, and bullshitters is a growing problem. It's polluting RSS, it's polluting our ability to use the Web, it's costing Web advertisers money, and it's costing Google credibility.
Credibility is the coin of the realm, and yours is always on the line. (Start lieing on your blog and you can hose your career before it starts.) Journalism is a business, one that has just begun to bloom, and if you want to work there you must be a part of it. Editing means bringing stuff to your reader, becoming their advocate, organizing and advocating an industry, place of lifestyle.
At the end of this process, the value of a wireless bit falls to nearly zero and nearly everyone goes under.
In trying to monitor our calls and all our PC use, the authorities say they’re just looking for a few needles in a haystack. But the haystack is too big, and the needles are increasingly well-hidden.
The nation which reaches this goal fastest, which gets closer to this goal sooner, empowers its people and captures the future.
As Israel learns to change its tactics, and rejects the “kill 'em all” policy, this will have a huge political impact in the U.S. Democratic donors will suddenly have cover to lean left again (where their hearts really belong) and a new governing majority will emerge. (Nixon + Wallace = 57%).
A refusal to change tactics means defeat. Republicans refuse to change tactics. They refuse to even consider a change in tactics.
Just wanted to let you know we can do that. They’re currently 4 1/2 months old and don’t know they’re going to be "fixed" next month. The one on the left is named Midget (a male), the one on the right is named Foxy Roxy (a female). (The kids named ’em, OK?) The book gives […]
What Tanenhaus has created is a comparison, not an analysis. But anything is better than the brain-dead analysis we've had until now.
One reason today's media figures are so stuck on Bush (and his acolytes) might be the knowledge that, as his Thesis falls, so might they. And they will.
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