The Wealth of AI
The wealth of AI is the rocket fuel of Moore’s Law.
The wealth of AI is the rocket fuel of Moore’s Law.
In a community everyone talks to everyone else. A publisher’s job is to serve the community, not just by organizing and advocating for it, but by building its collective voice.
When any politician gets ahead of their skis, people rein them in. That’s happening to Republicans across the country, even in Conway, Arkansas
No matter how restrictive the system, its leaders are always subject to the actions of their people.
Father Time is undefeated. You can’t have an unlimited draw from a limited pool. We must make choices.
What if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts that are limiting what kids can read? What if it offered special deals on banned books, and brought titles to young people some of their “betters” are forbidding for them, to encourage reading?
For all you read about how great Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger may be, the stock has gone nowhere in 5 years. It was at $101/share at the start of May 1998. It’s $102 now. Iger got thrown into the culture wars by Florida Republicans, and while many are applauding his strategy, he wants to […]
Suburban people are unwelcome in cities because the cars they need for the 30 mile commute don’t fit. Urban people are unwelcome in suburbs because e-bikes go just 10 miles per hour.
The mid-market of the electric car market will be served, but it won’t be Americans who serve it.
CNN and Fox are out in the cold. Their owners are going to squeeze all the juice out for profit until there’s nothing left, then throw the remaining goodwill at one of the big boys.
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