This Week’s Clue: The Failure of American Technology
The time has come, in other words, to teach, to mentor, and to pass on what we know so our children can save this wretched Earth from the mess we have made of it.
The time has come, in other words, to teach, to mentor, and to pass on what we know so our children can save this wretched Earth from the mess we have made of it.
What defined the Crisis was America's reaction to that violence, and its rejection of the causes on which that violence was based.
These questions define medical, home automation, security, and home inventory applications. Each one can be a billion-dollar niche.
Even a 10% move from hydrocarbons to solar power (or anything that can create electricity and, thus, hydrogen off the energy grid) will have a profound impact on energy prices, and start a virtuous cycle leading to a living, rather than a dieing world.
It’s the replacement of oil we need to get on with, and we desperately need, right now, leaders who will state that.
Hatch is the worst Senator imaginable on open source and Internet issues. He is a creature of the proprietary assumptions of the past, believing that ideas are like land, that monopolies are sweet, and that government control of what people think is what makes them free. If Joe Lieberman were running against Hatch, I'd be for Lieberman.
In the end, the real significance may be the consolidation of Internet payments not by Google, but by Chase Paymentech. The company took a risk going into the Internet area heavily and is now reaping the benefits.
A new template for understanding vexing problems, Open Source Politics would understand the need for cooperation, building this new infrastructure on the model of a food co-op.
Methinks we're going to have to boost our annual fund contribution this year.
Someone needs to change the subject to what matters. First party to do so deserves your support. Al Gore doesn't count unless he gets off the lecture circuit and runs for something.
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