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Clouds at Google

The management process at Google is to hire the very best people, and to give projects their head. That's great. But if this is to be a business, you have to show a little discipline, rein some things in, push others, set priorities, seek profit. Is this happening? Doesn't appear to be. Yet.

Why Make Half the Market Hate You?

Sam Walton cared about his people. That's the reason he called them "associates." He was always going into stores and leading pep rallies, not just because it helped his profits but because it helped them. He got a lot of those early associates in as small investors, and made them into millionaires.

The Perfect Copy Isn’t

Digital copies are not perfect, anymore than LPs were perfect, or tapes were perfect. The Internet may give you the ability to get a new copy, but it will take time to download, and (if it is a copy of a copy of a copy etc. etc. etc.) it's liable to be just as buggy as the DVD.

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