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Obama and the Old Anti-Thesis

The new Thesis lies within you. It’s in how you’re acting, in what you’re doing. The new Open Source Thesis is so internalized you can’t identify it. You know when it’s challenged, feel good when it’s validated, but you don’t quite know what to call it.

End Telecom Regulation

Not only would it be the right thing to do, it would be great political jiu jitsu on the Bells, which have gamed the system during the Bush years to create the first subsidized, unregulated monopoly in the American economy in 100 years.

Changing Times

My word for all this is satiation. Many of our richest and most famous chafe at the limits of their own avarice. They wonder if there's something more. And they find it, in doing good work, in contributing to the world's forward progress.

A Carnegie Moment

That's what open source politics is about. It's not about the extremes of either capitalism or communism. It's about finding a balancing between giving and getting, between individual and collective action.

American Political History In Brief

Regular readers know I have a generational theory of American political history. Great change emerges from great crises. These crises scar generations, and inform politics through smaller crises. Finally problems emerge that the past generation has no answer for, and a new crisis emerges. In this post, I want to briefly review U.S. political history […]

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