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Cut Yourself Off For Money

News Corp. is losing so much money at MySpace that it can't earn it back in any traditional, Web-centric way. So it's going to sell out its users, isolate itself from at least two of the largest search engines, push Fox News down kids' throats, and tell the media how clever it is.

The Politics of E-Mail

Congress needs to know when there is genuine concern about an issue. It has a right to distinguish between Astroturf and real grassroots. Congress also needs to understand that we have as much a right to choose how we filter our e-mail as they do

It Should Be Closer

Because there are so many people around today who are active, vital, but whose politics were defined by the Nixon Thesis, the next few elections will be closer than they should be. Ignore the polls which show Democrats with a 10-15 point lead. As we saw in San Diego last week, the knees still jerk. Amazingly, they will continue to jerk, for years to come.

This Week’s Clue: A Chinese Internet

What we need is a new political myth, which infuses us with new political values, that can take political power and unleash this creativity. That's what open source politics is about. Be open to innovation from wherever it comes. Let the market decide what shall rise, unforced and uncontrolled. Share and you will grow. To gain, first give.

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