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Vixie Identifies the Bind

I wish I could be like Vixie and live in my own little world, venturing out only once in a while to tell everyone else they are screwing up before returning to my mountain. But I can't. I don't have Vixie's head for programming languages -- English is the only one I know.

The Good News About Energy

To most Americans, not to mention most politicians, this is a completely unpalatable solution. The idea that we have to become accustomed to these prices, change our lifestyles to fit these prices, is repugnant to most Americans. Tough.

The Next Net Neutrality Battle

By hoarding those bits, and demanding high prices to connect with other networks, the Bells could still strangle the Internet. As we've seen they have every incentive to do so -- their fiscal lives are at stake. (The voice revenues are going to disappear, leaving a giant hole in their balance sheets.)

The Speed of Political Change

Where the Internet has been failing -- where the liberal blogosphere has been failing -- is that it, too, has been living in the eternal now. The philosophical underpinnings which conservatives in the 1960s built so painstakingly, brick-by-emotional brick -- simply don't exist.

Google News Tries to Make Sense

By defining a difference between "news" and "blogs," then putting ads against the "blog" results while integrating the two services, Google could yet square this circle. There would be no ads around "news" results (so the media couldn't complain about Google "stealing revenue") and it would be able to monetize everything (through the ads next to the blog results).

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