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Batshit Crazy

There are always lunatics among us. But at a time of political excess, when a political Thesis has exceeded its reach in time, those who are batshit crazy can gain enormous imfluence. I’m talking here of  people whose lunacy leans in the direction of the Thesis. Their craziness is only seen in retrospect because they […]

The Plan

John McCain wants to be Teddy Roosevelt. His plan to become TR is drop-dead simple: Suck up to President Bush and key constituencies. Watch Cheney be indicted and have Bush select him as a lifeline. Either succeed Bush in 2008 or (if the heat gets too hot) take over himself and pardon everyone. Do what […]

Steady State vs. the Big Bang of Open Source

A key to the Netroots challenge is the charge that the Washington Democratic party is out of touch, that it practices politics entirely on the enemy's ground, that it has become so accustomed to losing it won't do what it takes to win, namely go for the throat. The fact of that analysis is to be found in looking at traffic patterns, in readership patterns, in opinion polls, and the existance of candidates like Lamont.

Astroturf and the Light of Day

Both Wal-Mart and AT&T are presently heavily engaged in Astroturf campaigns, phony corporate-funded grassroots efforts aimed at getting what they want. Reporters are treating these seriously, acting as though they have a chance of success. They don’t. The whole idea of Astroturfing is to fly under the radar, to appear to be spontaneous. Once a […]

This Week’s Clue: Barriers to Entry

If this were an industry like any other, the Weblogsinc sale would mean barriers to entry in this busness were going up. They're not. While it may take more time than before to build an audience, it can still be done from your dining room, for virtually no cash outlay, and the value of that audience is going up.

The Last Step

Martial law may be sold to Bush as a brave act to Defend America, but it is the act of a coward, who will die a coward's death, and for whom a special place will have been reserved in hell.

The Quid Pro Quo?

For the last several years AT&T, BellSouth and Verizon have gotten anything they wanted from the federal government. They have ignored past promises and refused to deliver more than a trickle of broadband to customers. They have been given a monopoly on DSL, with competitors thrown out by courts and regulators. They have been allowed […]

Cellcos Charged with Auction Fraud

This is bigger than Enron. It’s bigger than Worldcom. Only the victims this time are you and me. You may (or may not) recall that last month, the FCC announced rules for its upcoming spectrum auctions that took a dim view of big operators "cooperating" with small bidders. Turns out they weren’t blowing smoke. There […]

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