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The Democratic Fault Line

Just as Republicans split 40 years ago, between those who would accomodate the Democratic majority and those who rejected it, so Democrats are now splitting in a similar way. On the one side we have accomodationists, or "Clintonistas." On the other we have the Netroots, who identify first with DNC chair Howard Dean but have […]

Proofs of Excess

Lately the Web has been filled with stories of conflict. The Attorney General wants to ban pornography from the Web, not just child pornography but even depictions of adults doing their biological part. The government’s new abstinence education programs extend even to adults. Anyone who is unmarried (and only male-female unions are recognized) may have […]

Politics of Net Neutrality

When the political pack is shuffled, the phone companies and cable companies are going to find they have won nothing but emnity from the coming votes. They will have seen millions of customers educated on the issues, and they will likely have Democratic majorities ready, willing, and able to jump down their throats.

Surprise in Net Neutrality Debate

The surprise is that the debate exists at all. By its nature, net neutrality is not a high-profile issue. It is assumed that net neutrality will be an issue dealt with by elites, by what Bob Frankston calls the regulatorium. But the Democratic Netroots are being activated on this issue. Here, for instance, is an […]

Hard to Digg It

Most of us don't have such an incentive, so we do what we like. We either base everything on our prejudices, or we lack experience in differentiating good from bad, of we think Desperate Housewives is Great TV.

What Is Hitting The Rotating Blades

It’s interesting that, when the generational fecal matter hits history’s rotating blades, and the assumptions of the past no longer apply, that everything about the Thesis’ founder can come under the microscope. That’s because, after a generation with a particular Myth, Americans have so internalized its Values that they operate almost on auto-pilot. The Myth […]

Wireless Cable

One of the best ways to get over the broadband gap is with what I call wireless cable. WiMax was originally designed as a standard for wireless cable. The idea is that you create a point-to-point radio link, then use directional antenna to pour as much data across the link as possible. The link runs […]

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