Proof the PFF Is Anti-Technology
In the open spectrum world interference is the only issue. Equipment makers compete to create new markets
In the open spectrum world interference is the only issue. Equipment makers compete to create new markets
We need a practical answer to patent trolls. The end of the RIM-NTP patent war, on terms very favorable to NTP ($612.5 million favorable) has many people wringing their hands over the issue of patent trolls. Carmi Levy of Info-Tech Research says this creates an open season for patent trolls to go after manufacturers and […]
Moore’s Law of Growth is an inverse law. The bigger the number, the harder to multiply it. Over the last few years Intel has learned this version of Moore’s Law to its sorrow. The ship has become enormous, and enormously hard to turn. Even if new CEO Paul Otellini knows what must be done (and […]
The trouble with software filters is they are controlled by others. Schools and libraries, which after a long struggle are now usually mandated to install filters, find that the judgement of librarians is replaced by that of software companies. The catalog of what is on the Internet is too large, the software is too opaque, […]
Visicalc co-founder (and freelance Internet analyst) Bob Frankston has written a great piece about today’s AT&T-BellSouth deal. This was originally posted to Dave Farber’s Interesting People list, with plans to post it soon at SATN, a blog he runs with David Reed and Dan Bricklin (the other VisiCalc co-founder). Given the importance of the issue, […]
Glenn Fleishman, who edits WiFi Networking News, is a national treasure. I was sitting around this morning, terribly depressed over the prospect of AT&T gobbling up BellSouth, when along comes Glenn, on Dave Farber’s list, looking on the bright side. I hope he doesn’t mind if I copy his entire post: I don’t want to […]
AT&T and Verizon are the enemies of America. That is the reluctant conclusion today of Gordon Cook, in The Cook Report, a vital piece of work you owe it to yourself to read. Because in just a few minutes, Cook will tell you why that is so. In this he quotes Vint Cerf, now with […]
When I first launched my blog at Corante one of my regular obsessions was what I called "The World of Always-On." By this I referred to wireless networking used as an application platform. In 2002 I was writing extensively about possible medical applications, inventory applications, home automation applications of Always-On technology. Well, there is an […]
I don’t know. The assumption on all sides remains that they will. But the level of criminality, of venality, of mass murder, that a Democratic Congress might uncover makes me wonder: An entire nation lies devastated, 100,000 or more of its citizens dead, no closer to freedom than the day we got there, and all […]
The problem with debating net neutrality is most of us have never experienced it. Doc Searls makes this point brilliantly in a Linux Journal article on the controversy. This is important. Most consumers have only experienced asymetric links, controlled by the carriers, without the ability to run our own Web servers and mail servers. (Port […]
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