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The Real End of (American) History

Glenn Greenwald has a post up right now asking a question that has concerned me for some time. How far are Bush’s most fervent supporters willing to go in order to retain power? (The picture is of leaders from a 1976 Argentine Junta, one of many which transformed that country from one of the hemisphere’s […]

The Long View: The Cycles of American Politics

American politics runs in generational cycles. We can go back nearly 200 years and find identical patterns. A crisis leads to new political coalitions, new myths, new values, and a new storyline about how to address things. A thesis tests these new myths and values, finds them valid, then gives them power over just about […]

Broadband Gap: Might Kerry Be Serious?

Congress got a John Kerry sighting yesterday, and he appeared to be championing the issue of the Broadband Gap. Kerry spoke on behalf of having the FCC let spectrum between TV stations be used for unlicensed services, and actually chided the Bush Administration on failing to meet its goal (pushed by the Bells) of getting […]

Poindexter Is Still Wrong

There is a reason I never feared John Poindexter’s Total Information Awareness plan, why I don’t even fear the secret NSA equivalent now being built. It won’t work. My suspicions were confirmed this week by Bruce Schneier, a name to reckon with. Schneier runs Counterpane. He is THE leading computer security expert on the planet. […]

The Long View: Three Democratic Parties

I’m old enough to have a pleasant feeling of deja vu watching Democrats debate. As a youngster I watched the exact same debate, from the other side.  In the 1960s there were three Republican Parties: Javits Republicans, centered at the heart of Democratic power, who sought to modify (slightly) the incumbents’ programs but generally went […]

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