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Declaration of Independence

I made a major decision today. I’m moving out on my own. After four years blogging with Corante, I’ve decided to run my own blog, hosted at Typepad, and visible at This is it. I want to thank Gordon Cook and Bruce Kushnick for their role in all this. I launched this blog a […]

What We Are Losing

America’s failure to deliver broadband — a failure that has become absolute due to the Bell-cable duopoly — also means the end of America’s capability to innovate. This was made clear to me recently by Ronald Baron Yokubaitis, who has been fighting (unsuccessfully) on behalf of competition for a decade. Innovation lost or gone abroad, […]

Major Reform Afoot?

Sascha Meinrath (left) reports on two bills, just introduced, that could break the deadlock of Infrastructure (or Information, or Digital Futures) Held Hostage by encouraging the development of community WiFi networks. The full post is here. Major reform is afoot! Two bills were introduced on Friday that would radically improve unlicensed wireless access.  Both bills […]

So Why Say Infrastructure?

Here is why Bob Frankston says Infrastructure Held Hostage is the best description of what we’re talking about: You are connected if … You are talking a walk and have a heart attack and don’t have to walk home to dial 911 … You aren’t captive to you cellular carrier. … You have a million […]

Bells Hold Digital Future Hostage

Recently members of our list have been having a discussion over what we should call ourselves in order to make ourselves better understood by the general public. The term "Infrastructure Held Hostage" sounds obscure, some feel. What about "Information Held Hostage?" Bob Frankston notes that this takes us back 10 years, to the "Information Superhighway." […]

Network Neutrality and an Internet with Vision

Andy Oram of O’Reilly Media wrote the following for LX’er. It is cross-posted here with permission from the author. Read the full story. The rhetoric is whipping through the air in Washington and racing at a dizzying pace across the Internet, as highly publicized hearings on a "network neutrality" bill were held on February 7. […]

The Bells are Sneaky Bastards

The Bells are agressively attacking our core-principles. We lose ground every day. The Bells are well funded, sneaky bastards…   The reason we didn’t win  —we’ve been  unable to engage the other groups enough to take actions—- and we didn’t have the resources to play at their level, or even build coalitions. They may be […]

Roland Cole on the Information Superhighway

Roland Cole has, in addition to his work with the Software Patent Institute, now taken on the role of Director of Technology Policy for the Sagamore Institute for Policy Research He writes, "SIPR  is a national think tank based in Indianapolis. I will be working very hard on federal, state, and local policy towards technologies […]

What This Means For VOIP?

The following is cross-posted at Jeff Pulver’s blog,  Pulver.Com. First, I’d like to thank Jeff and Jonathan for the opportunity to make this wake up call. Will VOIP be killed off as a stand alone service? The trends are all there to make it happen. From the fake astroturf consumer groups trying to add Universal […]

Where Do We Go From Here?

On the heels of The New York Times reviewing The $200 Billion Scandal, Bruce Kushnick describes some next steps: Over the last decade there’s been a barage of anti-competitor behaviors and rulings by the FCC. Line sharing, to be able to split the line for DSL, was taken away as was the reselling of of […]