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Isenberg on The Book

Cross-posted to The Isen Blog: Book: The $200 Billion Broadband Scandal, by Bruce Kushnick           My friend Bruce Kushnick is a man on a mission.  In The $200 Billion Broadband Scandal, he writes . . . in the early 1990’s . . . every Bell company . . . made commitments to […]

Teletruth News Alert

$200 Billion Broadband Scandal New investigative ebook offers micro-history of Verizon, SBC, Qwest, andBellSouth’s (the Bell companies) fiber optic broadband promises and theconsequence harms to America’s economic growth because they never deliveredand kept most of the money, about $200 billion. New York: This is one of the largest scandals in American history. Americais 16th in […]

What It’s All About

Customers like you paid Verizon, SBC, Qwest and BellSouth for a fiber optics broadband service you never received and it caused serious economic harm to the American economy, as well as our pocketbooks.   America is 16th in broadband, even though we were number 1 in the World Wide Web.   You’re probably owed over  […]

Who Pays for Internet Service?

One of the chief issues before consumers right now is the desire of the Bells to charge content providers for access to “their” customers. Telecom law attorney W. Scott McCullough of Austin, Texas sets that straight below: The answer is that the physical layer customer – the “end user” or “consumer” – has paid for […]

Is The Internet A Privilege or a Right?

David Isenberg, author of the Rise of the Stupid Network and other classics, currently a fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard, has posted a great response to Bruce’s coming book on his blog. The entry is reposted here with his permission:       The battle for Internet freedom has been joined.  Recently a […]

Discussing Bruce’s Book

Upon reading Gordon’s draft on the morphing of capitalism, Frank Coluccio of DTI Consulting in New York and Silicon Investor fame reposted it on his forum, then engaged in this colloquy with a reader, investor Jim Kayne. It’s the kind of dialogue we hope all investors will engage in following the release of Bruce’s book […]


NOTE: The following entry is being mirrored at my Mooreslore blog.       We live in an uneasy relationship with the past. (Photograph courtesy RPI.) The whole past is available to us, there to teach us lessons, to give us Clues that can help us avoid yesterday’s mistakes. We can find multiple analogies within […]

The Morphing of Capitalism

NOTE: This item, by Gordon Cook of the CookReport, is the lead item in this discussion of Bruce Kushnick’s book, $200 Billion Broadband Scandal. You can read his entire post here.     January 17, 2006 Ewing, NJ — Capitalism in the United States in the 21st century has not moved forward with the rest […]

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