The Next Health Crisis
The greed of drug companies like Biogen is leading to a reckoning, and all the lobbying in the world won’t stop it from happening.
The greed of drug companies like Biogen is leading to a reckoning, and all the lobbying in the world won’t stop it from happening.
Use our soft power, and we may not have to use as much of the harder stuff. We’ll also help our own markets and reassure corporate America.
Technology can whip inflation now.
We need to proceed with caution, to coordinate policy among central banks, so the world economy doesn’t collapse.
Systems and standards must be managed. It’s a slow, bureaucratic process. But engineering systems that save money, and sharing the benefits of open source models, are both going to be essential to progress in this decade.
These rules apply to all journalism. No matter what you think you’re doing, the audience sees it all as the same thing.
The best reaction for investors to what is happening in the stock market today is no reaction. Traders and speculators should feel free to panic. People who own cryptocurrency should feel free to panic. If you define your wealth by your market position on a day-to-day basis, panic away. But investors? No. The underlying strength […]
The Internet changes the game on location.
My guess is Google stock could be selling for under $100/share by the end of October. I would love to be wrong. But without some changes at the top, I don’t see any way out of it.
The only way forward in local news is to do it online and use everything the Web gives you.
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