Politics has succeeded, in this decade, in stopping Moore’s Law dead in its tracks. The preference of the American Administration...
Read moreDetailsDefying the nature of capitalist change, which is inherently messy and anarchic, in the name of order and security is...
Read moreDetailsOnce we have a government of the people, assuming there's no coup or Mugabe-like election theft, we can get to...
Read moreDetailsWhen you depend on a Luddite for innovation you get what you deserve. What Cisco should have been doing, what...
Read moreDetailsIn this case, the CWA is hurting our telecom industry. They are directly supporting the efforts of the Bells to...
Read moreDetailsAdults deserve the whole Internet. All of it. Not just what the phone companies or the censorware companies or the...
Read moreDetailsBy contrast to the policies being pursued in nations that are improving their telecommunications infrastructure, the U.S. has been encouraging...
Read moreDetailsThe customer is always right. It's a bit like 186,000 miles/second. It's not just a good idea. It's the law.
Read moreDetailsThe dog which does not bark says there are plenty of bits for everyone. If we were able to take...
Read moreDetailsThe networks will know these costs, and once they get the Google figures they will know how their own efforts...
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