I have been using the Internet since moving into our present house 40 years ago. It doesn’t seem that long....
Read moreDetailsOpen source needs to be a bigger piece of the discussion around Threads, around Twitter, and around the business of...
Read moreDetailsIn my 45 year reporting career I have seen perpetual change. I have also seen enough booms and bubbles to...
Read moreDetailsThe companies that became heirs to the studios made the previous jumps, to the small screen and then the multi-channel...
Read moreDetailsIn a community everyone talks to everyone else. A publisher’s job is to serve the community, not just by organizing...
Read moreDetailsWhat if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts...
Read moreDetailsFor all you read about how great Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger may be, the stock has gone nowhere in...
Read moreDetailsCNN and Fox are out in the cold. Their owners are going to squeeze all the juice out for profit...
Read moreDetailsAs networks of computers are more powerful than any single computer, so democracy and capitalism will always deliver more than...
Read moreDetailsMachine learning can increase productivity, but it can also create new capabilities beyond words and pictures.
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