What's more important in governance is not the license, but the process. If Ristic follows the Apache governance process –...
Read moreDetailsIn business you either stand for something or you'll stand for anything. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Read moreDetailsThe mainstream can't be ignored. Hardware doesn't build itself.
Read moreDetailsGet the rigs warmed up, writes the Houston Chronicle. Warmed up for what?
Read moreDetailsThe way forward is for other publishers to do what Dan Farber and David Berlind did years ago at ZDNet....
Read moreDetailsWhat's at stake is the principle that innovation is driven by competition.
Read moreDetailsIBM helped Apache launch Project Harmony but dropped it like a hot potato when another big corporation came along offering...
Read moreDetailsZdnet-logo-big By building an essentially proprietary system, with his own resources, Markos has taken his eye off that ball.
Read moreDetailsWeb hosts are becoming Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS). A cloud system like EC2 or OpenStack becomes the operating system...
Read moreDetailsCoates is aiming Canvas at university CIOs and at state governments, who are now approaching the idea of learning management...
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