Combining lower-cost renewables with a continuing emphasis on conservation will do more to drive non-renewable power out of the market...
Read moreDetailsHaving big brands in a new market makes the selling job easier for everyone else. It legitimizes an opportunity.
Read moreDetailsWhat analysts always fail to understand is that people buy tomorrow. Once a trend becomes evident, money moves to follow...
Read moreDetailsA huge facility filled with molten sulfer and sodium just across from San Diego, on which all our efforts to...
Read moreDetailsRather than railing against any reality – whether in utility board rooms or in political capitals – history tells me...
Read moreDetailsWhat the history of the last 40 years tells me is that you deliver utilities a fait accompli, a complete...
Read moreDetailsStandards grow markets faster than any proprietary offering. Some 40 years of technology history argues for it.
Read moreDetailsFact is, maximizing our alternative energy output takes planning. Short term prices can be manipulated. They can fall in the...
Read moreDetailsFor an entrepreneur interested in renewable energy it's not a level playing field. Some places are just better sites than...
Read moreDetailsInstead of talking the language of war, the market is talking the language of profit.
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