Seen from the perspective of the next two decades, we will have bigger and bigger labor shortages, in all industries,...
Read moreDetailsWe're all raindrops in the cloud. You're all magnetic ink. And while there is tremendous economic power coming our way,...
Read moreDetailsRather than hiring professors or building labs, schools have to try and get governments to fund these things through the...
Read moreDetailsThe oil is not the enemy. Even BP is not the enemy. The enemy is the system that makes this...
Read moreDetailsAny artist, agent, or lawyer who wants to make me a laughingstock and an example to all other writers who...
Read moreDetailsThe worst thing a journalist can do for a businessman is tell him only what he wants to hear. This...
Read moreDetailsMay blogging, as a minor art, live long and prosper. I'm glad I found it, or that it found me....
Read moreDetailsBecause for many of my neighbors, even modest success is a pretty new deal. Some of my neighbors still remember...
Read moreDetailsAs we become busier, by choice, by habit, or because we have to, the need for asynchronicity naturally grows, and...
Read moreDetailsA W3C committee would create, define, and maintain the codes. Site managers would get the codes through registrars. They wouldn't...
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