To fight a War Against Oil means to make this your main priority, and to subordinate all other policies to...
Read moreDetailsThe new narrative is being defined online, by people like Greenwald, and Digby, and Kos. They don't yet realize how...
Read moreDetailsHere is what is inevitable. Many, if not most, home mortgages taken out over the last decade are going underwater....
Read moreDetailsIn all Mr. Hazinski's grandiloquence on the "professional" nature of what is, in the end, a trade, he never once...
Read moreDetailsGovernment can create incentives for free enterprise to get to work on this, but in the end this is a...
Read moreDetailsThe fact that our telecom marketplace is becoming dominated by men like Carlos Slim should be a great danger signal...
Read moreDetailsThe average home today is worth about twice what it should be. That means second mortgages and other notes based...
Read moreDetailsWith Moore's Law liberated all today's problems, starting with The War Against Oil, can suddenly become manageable. We'll be bound...
Read moreDetailsYou don't go into a new business, one you know nothing about, unless you've got money coming out the wazoo....
Read moreDetailsThe best argument for a general U.S. recession is this. The U.S. consumer has been pulling the world economic train...
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