The customer is always right. It's a bit like 186,000 miles/second. It's not just a good idea. It's the law.
Read moreDetailsWind, water, steam, the Earth, and solar energy are all waiting for investment. All can be used to create hydrogen...
Read moreDetailsIf you are going to write the utility a huge check, you should be able to make some demands in...
Read moreDetailsThe problem is that American financiers obviously still see renewables as a trading flip, not as strategic. So long as...
Read moreDetailsThe networks will know these costs, and once they get the Google figures they will know how their own efforts...
Read moreDetailsFor too long Microsoft has been nurturing brains when it should have been nurturing entrepreneurial guts. Compare the rate at...
Read moreDetailsThe CNBC reporter interviewed Ormat CEO and founder Dita Bronicki, and profiled the company's operations in Reno, Nevada. At no...
Read moreDetailsThe next time your local electric utility demands the right to put in a new power plant, claiming that demand...
Read moreDetailsThe smartest move right now would be to push its AdSense for video, with 5 or 10-second ads that can...
Read moreDetailsThis move is also good for Americans, because it hopefully focuses our attention on who the real enemy here is....
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