It doesn’t matter how much money Zuck or Dorsey has. Their reach is limited. The reach of Mastodon, and the...
Read moreDetailsWhat if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts...
Read moreDetailsBy my calculations, oil took over political dominance from manufacturing in 1968. Tech took over from oil in 2008.That means...
Read moreDetailsMoney talks. Its sound is only going to grow louder over the next few years.We’ll wake up to find fewer...
Read moreDetailsThe momentum will continue toward consensus because technology demands it. We’re still in a technology era and so long as...
Read moreDetailsRequire those who want to reach the community to put money into a pot for governing discussions. Moderators will be...
Read moreDetailsThis is the way the business world works. You see things start, you see things grow, then they stop growing...
Read moreDetailsBlock those who anger you, who annoy you, who don’t serve you. Don’t respond. Don’t try to fix them. That...
Read moreDetailsSell the clouds and the chips and the software applications if you like. Some of those companies will fail. But...
Read moreDetails“The limits to the streaming market are time and, to a lesser extent, money,”
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