Feed the press. Give them an attack line, a personal story of conflict which the other side must respond to,...
Read moreDetailsPalin, like Ferraro, is emblematic of this group, its strengths and weaknesses. In Palin's case she cut her state's special...
Read moreDetailsNot enough has been focused on the smaller crimes, the Little Shitpiles, and what caused them. What caused them, in...
Read moreDetailsThe Department of Energy must deliver research and policy to guide public and private investment toward a hydrogen economy. Since...
Read moreDetailsDefying the future, denying the future, and concern trolling don't serve the audience. They don't serve TV's audience, and they...
Read moreDetailsThe campaign has spent upwards of $100 million -- probably more -- scaling these systems, building this database, registering new...
Read moreDetailsPolitics is a field that brings out your faults and magnifies them. It seldom happens that the re-evaluation brings out...
Read moreDetailsIf Americans are allowed a free election (and that still can't be guaranteed) Barack Obama will be our next President...
Read moreDetailsThis election is not the Crisis. The Crisis comes after. Especially this time. What we call the Crisis of 2008...
Read moreDetailsThe Georgia War offers Americans an enormous opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime teaching moment, and a chance to crush the Republican Party...
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