Don't subsidize individuals. Don't decide who will win or who will lose. Provide an incentive for everyone to get involved,...
Read moreDetailsFiorina is the ultimate icon of the Forbes Myth, the idea that business is all great men (and women) who...
Read moreDetailsA floor price provides an incentive for wind, geothermal, and solar to thrive. It also limits our imports and use...
Read moreDetailsWill we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor again? And if so, to what? To dealing with...
Read moreDetailsThe great danger following the coming election is that the nature of the crisis will become lost on policymakers. They...
Read moreDetailsWhen you're a football fan you can ignore the Bushies and all their machinations, for at least a few hours....
Read moreDetailsRight now we feel depression, and anger, and grief, and sadness, over the passing of the century, and its way...
Read moreDetailsInstead of railing against their every disappointment with Barack Obama, the Netroots would be much better served, at this time,...
Read moreDetailsThe key questions for 2008 are whether Obama can build this three and two majority, then who stays with the...
Read moreDetailsBy increasing our efficiency, by delivering wind and solar and geothermal power, by re-engineering our grid (both to save power...
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