What we're really creating is a dollar bubble. It's a short-term phenomenon because traders are no stupider than home buyers....
Read moreDetailsMedia coverage of the Big Shitpile has ignored the Big Fact. This happened because unregulated markets were allowed to be...
Read moreDetailsAny conventional analysis shows we're nowhere near the bottom in real estate, and with those loans tied to so many...
Read moreDetailsWhat we did with housing in this decade is precisely what was done with stocks during the 1920s. With no...
Read moreDetailsI am sick and tired of this crap about what "we" can't "afford" to have happen. As far as I'm...
Read moreDetailsEverything this Administration has done, consistently, has been to the benefit of the Arabs, and the extremely religious Wahhabi (who...
Read moreDetailsJust as busts have causes, namely excess, so do booms, namely opportunity. This is the greatest business opportunity of our...
Read moreDetailsAll the proposals I've heard -- whether from Wall Street, the Fed, from politicians -- still fail to accept that,...
Read moreDetailsAbsolute power corrupts absolutely. This is just as true for nations as it is for people. That is the inescapable...
Read moreDetailsThe answer is to start paying down debt. The answer is to start producing more goods. The answer is to...
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