When people talk about an "invasion" of the United States, this is what they are really talking about. Race. If...
Read moreDetailsFor the most part this summer represents a wait for that point of capitulation.
Read moreDetailsThe capitalist system now faces the greatest threat we have seen since the 1930s. As the housing bust devours the...
Read moreDetailsIn order to create a hydrogen energy cycle we need to put our entire economy on a War Footing, searching...
Read moreDetailsHistory will record this as the Hawley-Smoot Tariff act of its time. If, like most Americans, your U.S. history class...
Read moreDetailsUnemployment rates don't tell the story of this economy because so many of us have become "contingent" workers with "contingent"...
Read moreDetailsWhen magazines like Business Week claim that young entrepreneurs should give up control of their companies, they're speaking for old...
Read moreDetailsPolitics has succeeded, in this decade, in stopping Moore’s Law dead in its tracks. The preference of the American Administration...
Read moreDetailsDefying the nature of capitalist change, which is inherently messy and anarchic, in the name of order and security is...
Read moreDetailsChina has a crying need to spend on technology to deal with its pollution problem, and with the general problem...
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