Microsoft has hired thousands of "high bandwidth" people from top schools over the last decade, but it has very little...
Read moreDetailsThe explosion in the center moves outward, and pushes the poor out with it. Some hang on, older folks may...
Read moreDetailsThe HurriQuake nail has a bigger head, small barbs, and a tiny screwshank near the top. They are also made...
Read moreDetailsAn Inconvenient Truth isn't just a movie. It's not just an inconvenience. It is the new reality defining the task...
Read moreDetailsThe question is not, where do we get the oil? The question is, how can we replace the oil?
Read moreDetailsUnless and until we reverse course on energy, and get serious -- dead serious -- about replacing hydrocarbon sources with...
Read moreDetailsIn the case of digital rights, an effective compromise means fair use, an end to the technology veto, but new...
Read moreDetailsThe crisis that will define the politics of the next generation has not occurred yet. Republicans lost power all on...
Read moreDetailsEnshrine these Internet values in law and you can have growth. Fail to do so, out of fear, and you...
Read moreDetailsThe move from an economics of scarcity to one of abundance is just as wrenching. And the resistance is greater....
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