The final speaker at Freedom2Connect was Chris Sacca. Sacca is the head of special initiatives for Google. GoogleChris SaccaHead of...
Read moreDetailsRosenkrantz and Guildenstern are dead. But Freedom2Connect did have David Weinberger and Doc Searls . They staged a colloquy, a...
Read moreDetailsUnfortunately Enron’s oh-so-clever “bandwidth traders” didn’t know they were selling kittens. They thought they were selling an asset like oil...
Read moreDetailsUnlike most, I think this issue actually cuts both ways.
Read moreDetailsIt sort of depends on Lou Dobbs. He can continue the Howard Beale impersonation toward its natural conclusion, or he...
Read moreDetailsAll the businesses which propose to pay Goodmail for speedy delivery say they have gone through this process. They could...
Read moreDetailsSo long as tower companies are independent of cellular carriers, there is an incentive for competition.
Read moreDetailsThe state of your Internet is the state of your economy. The more bandwidth you have, the more readily available...
Read moreDetailsI don't know if you have noticed this, but gadgets are foreign. Even those with U.S. labels on them, such...
Read moreDetailsCongress got a John Kerry sighting yesterday, and he appeared to be championing the issue of the Broadband Gap. Kerry...
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