Sharing the costs of essential infrastructure is what open source is all about. Google shares more of those costs than...
Read moreDetailsWhen Republican heavy hitters realize that the difference between Goldman Sachs and Bernie Madoff isn't nearly as great as they've...
Read moreDetailsRed Hat, and every other open source company of any scale, will always be caught between its values and creating...
Read moreDetailsThe open source process doesn't generate the revenue necessary to run political interference, the way proprietary software does.
Read moreDetailsThe .org creates wealth and spreads it around. The .com tries to make a living and contributes much of that...
Read moreDetailsIn this way you can avoid forks of your code, encourage the growth of the code base, and hopefully grow...
Read moreDetailsOpen source is a process. Democracy is a process. Obey the process and we can all win, with no one...
Read moreDetailsThe Internet has changed how economies work. As an economy becomes dependent on open Internet access, even if that's just...
Read moreDetailsCopyright means control. If you're going to become part of an open source community, look at copyright first.
Read moreDetailsRand Paul is Abbie Hoffman.
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