Move money slowly out of index funds and put it into productivity. Look for winners, know that not all plays...
Read moreDetailsBuilding the best team in North America, helping make MLS a league of global importance, is the kind of job...
Read moreDetailsA lot of jobs and even industries are going to disappear, and the America which comes out of the coming...
Read moreDetailsThe old news business must die. But a new news business, based in the Internet, needs to be created, or...
Read moreDetailsTechnologists forgot the difference between ordered liberty and absolute license, and foreign dictators took advantage.
Read moreDetailsThe industry, or industries, that provide the most added-value to each generation controls our politics. What they do, in their...
Read moreDetailsThere is no such thing as an unlimited draw from a limited pool of funds, and we just haven’t figured...
Read moreDetailsTrump’s trade war is going to do to American workers what Bush’s Iraq war did to thousands of American families....
Read moreDetailsI can’t give you a date on the "cloud crash." I can’t tell you the precipitating event, what I call...
Read moreDetailsMaintaining open access to unbiased information about what is going on is essential to democracy. Without it, our system of...
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