The physician had a regular and assured income, and that was an advantage to him; the family were safe from...
Read moreDetailsThe collapse of newspapers is a gift from above, not a plague. It opens up vast new opportunities for people...
Read moreDetailsThe difference between a journalist and a blogger is a paycheck. And a blogger is a more honest journalist, because...
Read moreDetailsAs amazing as what has come before has been, there are immense changes sitting right on our doorstep.
Read moreDetailsThe best solution is to take money out of the Defense Department budget and “out-place” veterans with the VA, taking...
Read moreDetailsStorage is the sweet spot right now in renewable energy, the point where the bleeding edge of technology meets real...
Read moreDetailsThe aim of the Web is to spread knowledge, not hide it. Too many publishers are trying too hard to...
Read moreDetailsNewspapers will keep putting up paywalls, cutting their audiences 90% and making themselves worthless as ad vehicles. All we can...
Read moreDetailsIf we're to become serious about the rule of law we have to deal with The City and the tax...
Read moreDetailsIt's going to take some public pressure to get non-exclusive licensing, essentially an industry standard like WiFi rather than a...
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