The future lies in one-at-a-time, precision production done for less than the cost of mass manufacturing. It lies with trained...
Read moreDetailsPeople aren't sheep. They're not stupid. Given the facts, most will support muddling through over Armageddon. Every time. It's what...
Read moreDetailsThe story of Yougov is a story of immigrants taking the main chance, and using that chance to become a...
Read moreDetailsCEO Tim Hassett said his Hybrid Plugin Electric Vehicle has patents on a technique for using heat pipes to turn...
Read moreDetailsEfficiency technologies create commodity deflation, just as Moore's Law created deflation in goods production and transport. The Austrian School not...
Read moreDetailsI've covered open source for seven years. First they ignored it, then they fought it, but then we didn't win....
Read moreDetailsTeacher-controlled education is as unsustainable as doctor-controlled health care.
Read moreDetailsConservatives can laugh at algae all they want, fact is this is a technology both Chevron and Exxon have investments...
Read moreDetailsHow were writers paid 20 years ago? Advertising. The ads that surrounded the content paid for the writers, the editors,...
Read moreDetailsYou can only learn when you change your mind. And this is what economic growth is built on in the...
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