Every barrel of oil you save in efficiency is money in the pocket. Every watt of wind or solar power...
Read moreDetailsLabor shortages are indeed in our future. So who will care for me in my old age? Computers and robots,...
Read moreDetailsIn places like Africa, in much of India and the rest of the developing world, where there is no grid,...
Read moreDetailsTurns out robots are more complicated than Asimov imagined.But we are moving toward Asimov's dream and I want to be...
Read moreDetailsThe coming election is all over but the shouting. Give the American people an honest choice, a clear choice, and...
Read moreDetailsWhat we have here are some experienced penny stock guys and a retired college professor who claims he can turn...
Read moreDetailsAll those calling for “austerity” are calling for a Japanese solution to our problems. England is currently trying austerity as...
Read moreDetailsThe effort to overthrow democracy on behalf of capital is being made. The first step in beating that effort back...
Read moreDetailsWhat's really happening is that opportunity is starting to dawn. The market is taking over from the policy advocates. If...
Read moreDetailsSince the Occupy movement first began targeting Bank of America, stock symbol BAC, for its proposed debit card fee, the...
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