This is precisely what was done with DARPANet 40 years ago. Build it, scale it, don't worry about the money...
Read moreDetailsThe changes being wrought by this new type of computing go much deeper than anything that has happened since the...
Read moreDetailsRight now everyone is saying “cloud” the way they said “app” last year and “open source” before that. It's a...
Read moreDetailsThe IN in Internet stands for intimacy. It's not just between you and them, but among them, that you'll build....
Read moreDetailsNow we're talking about not just taking servers, but clouds, off-the-grid, reducing their power use to zero. This is a...
Read moreDetailsThe real problem is getting past the present period of artificial scarcity, into a new day of energy abundance and...
Read moreDetailsJust as the Civil War years were followed by the technology revolution of the 1870s, the 1890s were followed by...
Read moreDetailsIn the long run only economic activity creates any value. Gold is believed to be a storehouse of this value,...
Read moreDetailsInstead of having panels on your house, in five years you'll buy something more like wallpaper, something that covers your...
Read moreDetailsGore's fight for the planet has failed, as a moral and political exercise. It will only succeed as an economic...
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