Whitehurst has put a lot of development resources into OpenShift, and he is betting the company on it. I don't...
Read moreDetailsGoogle is tip-toeing into the cloud space for the same reason it doesn't provide ISP or wireless phone service. Attracting...
Read moreDetailsIt shouldn't be necessary to "create" municipal WiFi networks. They should be created adhoc, by people simply leaving their gear...
Read moreDetailsTelcos will try to tweak or fork the OpenStack cloud to maintain customer control, but I predict it will end...
Read moreDetailsDoes Savvis have a cloud? No, they have hosting centers and fiber lines. Does CenturyLink have a cloud? No, it's...
Read moreDetailsNo news outlet should be re-running a press release in this day and age. If you're not adding value to...
Read moreDetailsGoogle didn't have time to invent its way out of trouble -- the lawsuits were coming in too thick-and-fast --...
Read moreDetailsThis isn't about GPL code. It's not even about open source code. It's about abusing a proprietary protocol. It is,...
Read moreDetailsInvesting in clouds is the biggest no-brainer in the history of tech.
Read moreDetailsLet's finally end the hunter-gatherer era. Let's harvest the abundance all around us. Instead of complaining about the scarcity of...
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