I think some rapprochement with Apache is called for, but because these guys have jobs, and employers, it should be...
Read moreDetailsOne thing that's obvious about 2011 is that the excitement on my beat has shifted, from open source as a...
Read moreDetailsEvery year the cost of harvesting solar and wind energy is coming down. Every year the cost of finding stuff...
Read moreDetailsPeter Thiel is an ass. He says higher education is a bubble. The real bubble is with Goldman Sachs, and...
Read moreDetailsCompanies like Coca-Cola, can now create cloud projects run on their own infrastructure.
Read moreDetailsRenewable supplies will keep growing regardless of the politics, because they make sense economically, socially, and from the national security...
Read moreDetailsYou buy Verizon, you sell Verizon Wireless to Vodafone for most of the cost of the deal, then you turn...
Read moreDetailsDell could take the code base it has, get 10,000 Chinese programmers into a skunk works in Chengdu or Chungqing,...
Read moreDetailsEven the Tea Party Express wants this kind of government transparency and effectiveness. The only people who benefit from these...
Read moreDetailsSharing the costs of essential infrastructure is what open source is all about. Google shares more of those costs than...
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