When Republican heavy hitters realize that the difference between Goldman Sachs and Bernie Madoff isn't nearly as great as they've...
Read moreDetailsStandards processes must be open. Approved standards must be rent-free, and their details available for inspection at all times. Otherwise,...
Read moreDetailsChina is not going to go back down the technology food chain just because an American or European court says...
Read moreDetailsThe effect of Ryan's letter will be to stall the move toward an open source VistA replacement at a cost...
Read moreDetailsSo the core of the Net is dominated by Google, while the last mile pays monopoly rents to AT&T, Verizon,...
Read moreDetailsCan Apache or Eclipse take on LibreOffice and Drizzle? Would those projects be willing to be absorbed?
Read moreDetailsWe need some good open source projects aimed at discrimination and presentation of curated content, not just its collection
Read moreDetailsThe big money in open source, it turns out, lies in the creation of online services by 20-somethings, because services...
Read moreDetailsGovernment advocates of open source need to realize that what they're proposing will remain controversial and political, even if their...
Read moreDetailsThe open source process doesn't generate the revenue necessary to run political interference, the way proprietary software does.
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