The enemy is fear, our fear of them, their fear of us. Engagement is the victory. Isolation is the enemy.
Read moreDetailsYou can still do some lab work on campus. You can still meet in buildings. But most of the infrastructure...
Read moreDetailsThe real problem with both Harvard and Wall Street is that they view intelligence, and wealth, as the property of...
Read moreDetailsWeb publishing is super-cheap. The software for writing and publishing and distribution are all free. The problem is getting the...
Read moreDetailsA growing economy puts a strong wind behind any politician's back, and so it will be with this President.
Read moreDetailsOur penance has been heard. Change has come. Policies have shifted. The government is in the hands of people trained...
Read moreDetailsI am not going to sit here and tell you what to buy or what to do. Your heart knows...
Read moreDetailsClimateGate is not just an attack on a scientific theory, it is a political attack on science itself. It needs...
Read moreDetailsI'm certain that were I Japanese I could just order an ofuro and have it installed in my little tiny...
Read moreDetailsWhen Murdoch promises to erect pay walls around his content, and even threatens to keep "his" content from being indexed...
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