Think of this as Volume 12, Number 45 of, the online newsletter I've written since 1997. Enjoy. The Stupak...
Read moreDetailsReal journalism has to answer to the market. Astro-journalism needs only wingnut welfare to survive. It is entirely a creation...
Read moreDetailsThe jobs are out there. They're just going to Mexican dishwashers and Indian computer technicians.The only possible solution is policies...
Read moreDetailsThe more level the playing field -- the more we can make V=A-C the international standard for competitive advantage --...
Read moreDetailsHow many clients could such a professional juggle at once? A pretty limited number, I would gather. You would need...
Read moreDetailsAsk opponents of this bill. On what will you base the next boom? Housing? Financial manipulation? PCs? They may answer,...
Read moreDetailsThe choice is not between government and non-government. The choice is between government controlled by the people and government controlled...
Read moreDetailsThe President is a poker player. He takes what he can gets, and then he moves on. He will wait...
Read moreDetailsA smart grid, with hydrogen back-up, is the infrastructure that not only we need, but the rest of the world...
Read moreDetailsWhere newspapers screwed up was in forgetting the purpose of advertising and their business role. The purpose of advertising is...
Read moreDetails© 2023 Dana Blankenhorn - All Rights Reserved